A Catholic Introduction to the Bible The Old Testament / John Bergsma, Brant Pitre
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A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture / Most Rev Frederick Justus Knecht DD
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A Textual Concordance of the Holy Scriptures: Arranged by Topic / Fr. Thomas David Williams
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Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany: Stories and Reflections on the Daily Readings / Megan McKenna
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Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany: Stories and Reflections on the Sunday Readings / Megan McKenna
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Behold God's Son Reflections on the Gospel During the Year of Mark / Christoph Schoenborn
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Better Part A Christ-Centered Resource for Personal Prayer 4 Vol Box Set / Fr John Bartunek
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Better Part Gospel of John A Christ Centred REsource for Personal Prayer / Fr John Bartunek
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Better Part Gospel of Luke A Christ Centred Resource for Personal Prayer / Fr John Bartunek
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Better Part Gospel of Mark A Christ Centred Resource for Personal Prayer / Fr John Bartunek
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Better Part Gospel of Matthew A Christ Centred Resource for Personal Prayer / Fr John Bartunek
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Bringing the Gospel of Matthew to Life: Insight and Inspiration / George Martin
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Catholic Verses 95 Bible Passages That Confound Protestants / Dave Armstrong
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Cherish Christ Above All: the Bible in the Rule of Benedict / Demetrius Dumm
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God's Word: Scripture, Tradition, Office / Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
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Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God / Scott Hahn (HARDBACK)
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History and Spirit the Understanding of Scripture According to Origen / Henri de Lubac
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Ignatius Catholic Bible (RSV) Compact Edition - Imitation leather, Burgundy with Zipper
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Ignatius Catholic Study Bible 1 & 2 Samuel /Curtis Mitch, Scott Hahn & Michael Barber
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Ignatius Catholic Study Bible Letter to the Hebrews (2nd Ed) / Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch
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Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Wisdom and Sirach / Scott Hahn & Curtis Mitch
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Ignite Read the Bible Like Never Before / Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Sonja Corbitt
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Must There Be Scapegoats? Violence and Redemption in the Bible / Raymund Schwager
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Saint Paul the Apostle: the Story of the Apostle to the Gentiles / Mary Fabyan Windeatt
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Salvation Is from the Jews: The Role of Judaism in Salvation History / Roy H. Schoeman
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Scripture Matters Essays on Reading the Bible from the Heart of the Church / Scott Hahn
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Scripture Matters: Essays on Reading Bible from the Heart of the Church / Scott Hahn
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The Apostles Men of Peace and Reconciliation / Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini
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The Book of Isaiah Ignatius Catholic Study Bible / Scott Hahn &, Curtis Mitch
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The Catholic Men's Bible / Introduction and Instruction by Fr. Larry Richards
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The Consuming Fire: A Christian Guide to the Old Testament / Michael W. Duggan
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The Eight Doors of the Kingdom Meditations on the Beatitudes / Jacques Philippe
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The Joy of the Gospel: Meditations for Young People / Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini
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The Word A Meditation on the Prologue to Saint John's Gospel / Adrienne Von Speyr
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The Word, Church and Sacraments: In Protestantism and Catholicism / Fr. Louis Bouyer
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Tobit, Judith, and Esther Ignatius Catholic Study Bible / Scott Hahn & Curtis Mitch
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Water and Spirit Meditations on Saint John's Gospel 1:19 to 5:47 / Adrienne Von Speyr
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Witness to the World: A Journey through the Acts of the Apostles Today / Adrian Commadeur
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You Have Words of Eternal Life: Scripture Meditations / Hans Urs von Balthasar
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