Tradivox Volume 6 Features the Catechisms of Aquinas, Pecham and Pagula / Tradivox
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Church Fathers From Clement of Rome to Augustine (Paperback) / Pope Benedict XVI
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Priests in Love with God and Eager to Witness to the Gospel / Archbishop Alfred Hughes
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The House was Filled with the Fragrance of the Perfume / Cardinal Fernando Filoni
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Archbishop Sheen's Book of Sacraments A Fulton Sheen Anthology/ Archbishop Fulton J Sheen
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The Life of Jesus Christ And Biblical Revelations Hardcover Set of 4 / Anne Catherine Emmerich
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Jesus of Nazareth Archaeologists Retracing the Footsteps of Christ / Michael Hesemann
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Tradivox Volume 2 Features Catechisms of Bellarmine, Turberville, and Sadler / Tradivox
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Why Be Catholic? Understanding Our Experience and Tradition / Richard Rohr with Joseph Martos
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At His Feet Drawing Closer to Christ with the Women of the New Testament / Derya Little
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Preparing for the Coming Persecution A Handbook for Faithful Catholics / Rev Joseph M Esper
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Trial, Tribulation and Triumph Before, During and After Antichrist / Desmond A Birch
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Letters to Women Embracing the Feminine Genius in Everyday Life / Chloe Langr
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Motherhood Redeemed How Radical Feminism Betrayed Maternal Love / Kimberly Cook
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Crisis in Culture How Secularism is Becoming a Religion / Fr George William Rutler
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Tradivox Volume 1 Features Catechisms of Bonner, Vaux and Ledesma / Tradivox
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The Dream of a Gospel Inspired Church Pope Francis' Ecclesiology / Roberto Repole
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The Catholic Faith An Introduction to the Creeds / Stephen K Ray and R Dennis Walters
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Wheat and Tares Restoring the Moral Vision of a Scandalized Church / Fr Mitch Pacwa SJ
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The Supreme Vocation of Women According to St John Paul II / Melissa Maleski
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Yes or No? Straight Answers to Tough Questions About Christianity / Peter Kreeft
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Catechism of the Catholic Church with Theological Commentary / Archbishop Rino Fisichella
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In Conversation with God Volume 1, Advent and Christmastide / Francis Fernandez-Carvajal V1
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Signs of New Life Homilies on the Church's Sacraments / Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
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The Wit and Wisdom of Fr George Rutler / Fr George William Rutler & Edward Short
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Risen Jesus How Jesus Led the Disciples from Denial to Belief / Rev Alban Goodier
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Hope to Die The Christian Meaning of death and the Resurrection of the Body / Scott Hahn
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The Reality of God The Layman's Guide to Scientific Evidence for the Creator / Steven R Hemler
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Friends of the Bridegroom For a Renewed Vision of Priestly Celibacy / Marc Cardinal Ouellet
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Single for a Greater Purpose A Hidden Joy in the Catholic Church / Luanne Zurlo
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What Really Happens After We Die (There Will Be Hugs in Heaven) / James Papandrea
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The Decalogue Decoded What You Never Learned about the Ten Commandments /Fr Brian Mullady OP
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Scripture Wars How Justin Martyr Rescued the Old Testament for Christians / Rod Bennett
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Little Sins Mean a Lot Kicking Our Bad Habits Before They Kick Us / Elizabeth Scalia
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Ask Peter Kreeft The 100 Most Interesting Questions He's Ever Been Asked / Peter Kreeft
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Ten How the Commandments Can Commandments Can Change Your Life / Mary Elizabeth Sperry
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Saints Who Saw Hell And Other Catholic Witnesses to the Fate of the Damned / Paul Thigpen PhD
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Catholic and Christian An Explanation of Commonly Misunderstood Catholic Beliefs / Alan Schreck
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The Fourth Cup Unveiling the Mystery of The Last Supper and the Cross / Scott Hahn
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Marketing God Inspired Strategies fo rBuilding the Kingdom / Donna A Heckler
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Meeting God in the Upper Room Three Moments to Change Your Life / Monsignor Peter J Vaghi
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The Indissolubility of Marriage Amoris Laetitia in Context / Matthew Levering
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The Power of Truth The Challenges to Catholic Doctrine and Morals Today / Cardinal Gerhard Müller
Qty Available: 10
33 Years in the Holy Land What Jesus Saw from Bethlehem to Golgotha / A G Sertillanges
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Love Awakened by Love: The Liberating Ascent of Saint John of the Cross / Mark O'Keefe OSB
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When the Church Was Young: Voices of the Early Fathers / Marcellino D'Ambrosio
Qty Available: 5
Accidental Theologians: Four Women Who Shaped Christianity / Elizabeth A. Dreyer
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The Biblical Names of Jesus: Beautiful, Powerful Portraits of Christ / Paul Thigpen, Ph.D.
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How to Think Like Aquinas The Sure Way to Perfect Your Mental Powers / Kevin Vost PsyD
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The Papacy What the Pope Does and Why It Matters / Stephen K. Ray & Rev Dennis K Walters
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The Case for Catholicism Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections / Trent Horn
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The Sacraments: Discovering the Treasures of Divine Life / Rev Fr Matthew Kauth STD
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Discernment Do's and Don'ts: A Practical Guide to Vocational Discernment /Fr George Elliott
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Mercy : The Essence of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life / Cardinal Walter Kasper
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Spark of Faith Understanding the Power of Reaching Out to God / Fr Wojciech Giertych
Qty Available: 5
Gaudete et Exsultate On the Call to Holiness in Today's World / Pope Francis
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The Abolition of Woman How Radical Feminism Is Betraying Women / Fiorella Nash
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Stunned by Scripture: How the Bible Made Me Catholic / Dr John S Bergsma PhD
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The Scrappy Evangelist: Chesterton and a New Apologetics for Today / Fr Paul Rowan
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The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ / Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
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Forty Anti-Catholic Lies A Mythbusting Apologist Sets the Record Straight / Gerard Verschuuren
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Conversion Spiritual Insights Into an Essential Encounter with God / Fr. Donald Haggerty
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Teaching and Learning the Love of God Being a Priest Today / Joseph Ratzinger Pope Benedict XVI
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Going Deeper How Thinking about Ordinary Experience Leads Us to God /Leo Severino
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This Is the Faith: A Complete Explanation of the Catholic Faith / Rev Canon Francis J Ripley
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Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal: 30 Days for the Holy Souls / An Ursuline of Sligo
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The Reign of Christ the King: In Both Public and Private Life / Michael Davies
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Preparation for Total Consecration According to St. Louis de Montfort / Fr Hugh Gillespie smm
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The Man Christ Jesus: How the Lord Looked, Acted, Prayed, and Loved / Giacomo Biffi
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Knowing God’s Love 8 Essential Truths Every Catholic Should Know / John LaBarbara
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The Devotion of The Holy Rosary and the Five Scapulars / Fr Michael Muller CSSR
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Consoling Thoughts of St Francis de Sales On Eternity / St Francis de Sales and Pere Huget
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College Apologetics Proof of the Truth of the Catholic Faith / Anthony Alexander
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Chats With Converts A Complete Explanation and Proof of Catholic Belief / M D Forrest
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Attaining Salvation: Devout Reflections and Meditations / St. Alphonsus Liguori
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A Deeper Vision The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Twentieth Century / Robert Royal
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Holy Confidence The Forgotten Path for Growing Closer to God / Fr Benedict Rogacci
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Catholic Family Catechism Apostles Edition Large Pocket Size / Tierney Rev B J H
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The Passion: Reflections on the Suffering and Death of Jesus Christ / Paul Thigpen PhD
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That Nothing May Be Lost Reflections on Catholic Doctrine and Devotion / Paul Scalia
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Let There Be No Divisions Among You Why All Christians Should be Catholic / Rev John MacLaughlin
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The Light Shines on in the Darkness Transforming Suffering through Faith / Fr Robert Spitzer SJ
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A Story of Shalom: The Calling of Christians and Jews by a Covenanting God/ Philip A. Cunningham
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Scruples and Sainthood: Overcoming Scrupulosity with the help of the Saints / Trent Beattie
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Theo-Drama, Vol. 3 Dramatis Personae: Persons in Christ / Hans Urs von Balthasar
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Transformed by Grace: Scripture, Sacraments and the Sonship of Christ/ Dom Wulstan Mork
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Answering Atheism: How to Make the Case for God with Logic and Charity / Trent Horn
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We Believe: A Simple Commentary on The Catechism of Christian Doctrine/ Monsignor A N Gilbey
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Practical Theology: Spiritual Direction from St. Thomas Aquinas/ Peter Kreeft
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The Noonday Devil Acedia, the Unnamed Evil of Our Times / Dom Jean-Charles Nault
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We Have Found Mercy: The Mystery of God's Merciful Love / Christoph Cardinal Schoenborn
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Evangelizing Catholics A Mission Manual for the New Evangelization / Scott Hahn
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Transformed in Christ: Confirmation Programme: Candidate's Workbook / Hannah Vaughan-Spruce
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Transformed in Christ: Confirmation Programme: Catechist's Workbook / Hannah Vaughan-Spruce
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The Inner Goddess: Feminist Theology in the Light of Catholic Teaching / Josephine Robinson
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A Journey to the Heart of Jesus: Guideposts Along the Way / J. Peter Sartain
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Called to His Supper: A Preparation for First Eurcharist / Jeannine Timko Leichner
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Living the 10 Commandments for Children / Rosemarie Gortler & Donna Piscitelli
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Making Things Right: The Sacrament of Reconciliation / Jeannine Timko Leichner
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New Beginning, New Hope: Words of Pope Francis: Holy Week Through Pentecost / Pope Francis
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Only Love Can Save Us: Letter, Homilies, and Talks of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio / Pope Francis
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Dangers to the Faith: Recognizing Catholicism's 21st Century Opponents / Al Kresta
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How to Make a Good Confession: A Pocket Guide to Reconciliation with God / Fr John A. Kane
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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Heaven but Never Dreamed of Asking / Peter Kreeft
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Christianity and Democracy The Rights of Man and The Natural Law / Jacques Maritain
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Transformation in Christ on the Christian Attitude / Dietrich Von Hildebrand
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Eucharistic Miracles: And Eucharistic Phenomenon in the Lives of the Saints / Joan Carroll Cruz
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The Relevance and Future of the Second Vatican Council / Marc Cardinal Ouellet
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The Source of Life: Exploring the Mystery of the Eucharist / Christoph Cardinal Schoenborn
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A New Wine and Fresh Skins: Ecclesial Movements in the Church / Bishop Julian Porteous
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Encountering Christ: Homilies, Letters, and Addresses of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio / Pope Francis
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About Bioethics: Volume 4: Motherhood, Embodied Love and Culture / Nicholas Tonti-Filippini
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The Blessed Sacrament: God With Us / Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
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Evangelical Catholicism: Deep Reform in the 21st-century Church / George Weigel
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And You are Christ's: the Charism of Virginity and the Celibate Life / Thomas Dubay
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Explorations in Theology: Volume II Spouse of the Word / Hans Urs von Balthasar
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Catholicism and Fundamentalism: the Attack on "Romanism" by "Bible Christians" / Karl Keating
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Explorations in Theology: Volume 1 The Word Made Flesh / Hans Urs von Balthasar
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From Atheism to Catholicism: How Scientists & Philosopher Led Me to Truth / Kevin Vost
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The Courage to Be Catholic: Crisis, Reform and the Future of the Church / George Weigel
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Cosmic Liturgy: the Universe According to Maximus the Confessor / Hans Urs von Balthasar
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A Concise Companion and Commentary for the Catholic Catechism / James Tolhurst
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The New Evangelization: Issues and Challenges for Catholic Schools / Richard Rymarz
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The Voice of the Church at Prayer: Reflections on Liturgy and Language / Fr Michael Lang
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The New Evangelization: Responding to the Challenge of Indifference / Archbishop Rino Fisichella
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What to Do When Jesus Is Hungry: A Practical Guide to Works of Mercy / Andrew Apostoli
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Streams of Grace: Spiritual Movements that Shaped the Church / Bishop Julian Porteous
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Called to Communion: Understanding the Church Today / Cardinal Ratzinger Pope Benedict
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Faith through Reason / Janne Haaland MatlaÌry, Preface by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
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The Five Wounds: Sanctuary for the Sick, Balm for the Wounded Spirit / Ann Farmer
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Tell Me About the Holy Spirit: Eye-Opener & Ear-Opener / Gerald O'Mahony S.J.
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Introduction to Christianity / Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
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Prodigal Daughters: Catholic Women Come Home to the Church / Edited by Donna Steichen
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What it Means to be a Christian: Three Sermons / Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
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Mary the Church at the Source / Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger & Hans Urs von Balthasar
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The Godless Delusion: a Catholic Challenge to Modern Atheism / Patrick Madrid & Kenneth Hensley
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A Civilization of Love: the Catholic Vision for Human Society / William Newton
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About Bioethics Volume 2: Caring for People who are Sick or Dying / Nicholas Tonti-Filippini
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About Bioethics Volume 1: Philosophical and Theological Approaches / Nicholas Tonti-Filippini
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The Church of God: Body of Christ and Temple of the Holy Spirit / Fr. Louis Bouyer
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Yes or No? Straight Answers to Tough Questions About Christianity / Peter Kreeft
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Welcome Home!: Stories of Fallen-Away Catholics Who Came Back / Edited by Victor R. Claveau
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Unfolding the Mystery: Monastic Conferences on the Liturgical Year / Dom Hugh Gilbert O.S.B.
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Under the Unpredictable Plant: An Exploration in Vocational Holiness / Eugene H. Peterson
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Theology at the Eucharistic Table: Master Themes in the Theological Tradition / Jeremy Driscoll
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Theology and the Body: Gender, Text and Ideology / Edited by Robert Hannaford & J'annine Jobling
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Seeking the Absolute Love: the Founders of Christian Monasticism / Mayeul de Dreuille
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The Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and the Ecumenical Dialogue / Fr. Antonio Garuti, O.F.M.
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The Path of Life Benedictine Spirituality for Monks and Lay People / Cyprian Smith
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Me Accuse Myself? Confession and Reconciliation: FAQs for the Confused / Dunstan Adams
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Marriage in Canon Law: Texts, Comments, Reflections and Quesions / Ladislas Örsy, S.J.
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Male and Female He Created Them: on Marriage and the Family / Jorge Cardinal Medina Estévez
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Love in Christianity and Islam: a Contribution to Religious Ethics / Mahnaz Heydarpoor
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Know Him in the Breaking of the Bread: a Guide to the Mass / Francis Randolph
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Josef Pieper An Anthology / Josef Pieper; Foreword by Hans Urs von Balthasar
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How Christ Changed the World: the Social Principles of the Catholic Church / Msgr. Luigi Civardi
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God or Goddess? Feminist Theology: What is It? Where does It Lead? / Manfred Hauke
Qty Available: 4
God is Near Us: the Eucharist, the Heart of Life / Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
Qty Available: 4
Focus on Jesus: Essays in Christology and Soteriology / Geralyn M. Collins & S.J. Kendall Daniel
Qty Available: 4
A Eucharistic Vision and the Spirituality of St Francis of Assisi / Mark of Whitstable
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Deacons and the Church: Making Connections Between Old and New / John N. Collins
Qty Available: 7
Cradle of Redeeming Love: the Theology of the Christmas Mystery / John Saward
Qty Available: 3
A Concise Catechism for Catholics: A Simple Exposition of Catholic Doctrine / Fr. James Tolhurst
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The Church - A Communion: In the Preaching and Thought of John Henry Newman / James Tolhurst
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The Lay Members of Christ's Faithful People (Christifideles laici) /Pope John Paul II
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The Christian Faith: an Essay on the Structure of the Apostles' Creed / Henri de Lubac
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Cherish Christ Above All: the Bible in the Rule of Benedict / Demetrius Dumm
Qty Available: 5
The Blessed Eucharist: Our Greatest Treasure / Rev. Fr. Michael Mueller C.SS.R.
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Words and the Word: The Use of Literature as a Practical Aid to Preaching / Bill Anderson
Qty Available: 5
A Passion for Justice: A Practical Guide to the Code of Canon Law / G. J. Woodall
Qty Available: 0
God's Choice: Pope Benedict XVI and the Future of the Catholic Church / George Weigel
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John Paul II: Confronting the Language Empowering the Culture of Death / William Brennan
Qty Available: 1
God is Love: Deus Caritas Est, Encyclical Letter / (Joseph Ratzinger) Pope Benedict XVI
Qty Available: 0
Behold God's Son Reflections on the Gospel During the Year of Mark / Christoph Schoenborn
Qty Available: 10
The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life / Charles Arminjon
Qty Available: 2
Dear Young People: Homilies & Addresses of Pope Benedict XVI / Pope Benedict XVI
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Convinced by the Truth: Embracing the Fullness of Catholic Faith / John I. Fleming
Qty Available: 4
Question Time: 150 Questions and Answers on the Catholic Faith / John Flader
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After this Life: What Catholics Believe about What Happens Next / Benedict J. Groeschel
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The Tears of God: Going on in the Face of Great Sorrow or Catastrophe / Benedict J. Groeschel
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Who Needs God? / Christoph Cardinal Schonborn in conversation with Barbara Stöckl
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God's Word: Scripture, Tradition, Office / Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
Qty Available: 0
To the Heart of the Mystery of Redemption / Hans Urs von Balthasar & Adrienne von Speyr
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The Suffering of Love: Christ's Descent into the Hell of Human Hopelessness / Regis Martin
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Advent of the Heart: Seasonal Sermons and Prison Writings, 1941-1944 / Alfred Delp
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Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany: Stories and Reflections on the Daily Readings / Megan McKenna
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Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany: Stories and Reflections on the Sunday Readings / Megan McKenna
Qty Available: 5
50 Questions on the Natural Law What it is and Why We Need It / Charles E Rice
Qty Available: 4
Living the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Vol. 1: The Creed / Christoph Cardinal Schoenborn
Qty Available: 1
Dare We Hope "That All Men Be Saved"? With a Short Discourse on Hell / Hans Urs von Balthasar
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Visits To The Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary / St Alphonsus Liguori
Qty Available: 89
The School of Compassion: a Roman Catholic Theology of Animals / Deborah M. Jones
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The Path to Rome: Modern Journeys to the Catholic Church / Edited by Dwight Longenecker
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Blessed John Henry Newman - A Richly Illustrated Portrait / Sr K. Dietz & Sr M. Dechant
Qty Available: 12
From Hermes to Benedict XVI: Faith and Reason in Modern Catholic Thought / Aidan Nichols
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Living the Mystery: Monastic Markers on the Christian Way / Dom Hugh Gilbert O.S.B.
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The Bread of Life: Preparing for First Confession and First Communion / Fr Martin Edwards
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Reasons to Believe: How to Understand, Explain, and Defend the Catholic Faith / Scott Hahn
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Sacramentum Caritatis: the Sacrament of Charity - Apostolic Exhortation / Pope Benedict XVI
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The Priest, Pastor and Leader of the Parish Community / Congregation for the Clergy
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New Outpourings of the Spirit: Movements in the Church / Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
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No Place for God: The Denial Of The Transcendent In Modern Church Architecture / Moyra Doorly
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Honey from the Rock Sixteen Jews Find the Sweetness of Christ / Compiled by Roy Schoeman
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The Hidden Manna: A Theology of the Eucharist / James O'Connor (Second Edition)
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St Laurence & the Holy Grail: the Story of the Holy Chalice of Valencia / Janice Bennett
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The Word, Church and Sacraments: In Protestantism and Catholicism / Fr. Louis Bouyer
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Understanding the Sacraments: a Guide for Prayer and Study / Peter M.J. Stravinskas
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