History and Biographies

This category explores the historical development of religious traditions and their influence on society and culture. It includes works on Church history, key events, and the interplay between faith and the world. Readers gain an understanding of how religion has shaped and been shaped by human civilization.

Sound of Silence

Sound of Silence

Qty Available: 0


Edith Blake's War / Krista Vane-Tempest

Edith Blake's War / Krista Vane-Tempest

Qty Available: 0


Burning Man / Frances Wilson

Burning Man / Frances Wilson

Qty Available: 2


How I Became a Man / Alexander Krylov

How I Became a Man / Alexander Krylov

Qty Available: 2


Wounds of Love / Phillip Campbell

Wounds of Love / Phillip Campbell

Qty Available: 0


The Song of Ascents / Tom Hiney

The Song of Ascents / Tom Hiney

Qty Available: 0


Paschal Paradox / Dairmuid O'Murhu

Paschal Paradox / Dairmuid O'Murhu

Qty Available: 1


Sigrid Undset / Aidan Nicols OP

Sigrid Undset / Aidan Nicols OP

Qty Available: 5


Gratitude and Grit / Leo Wollenweber

Gratitude and Grit / Leo Wollenweber

Qty Available: 1


Kidnapped in Iraq / Alexandre Goodarzy

Kidnapped in Iraq / Alexandre Goodarzy

Qty Available: 1


The Hidden Face / Ida Friederike Gorres

The Hidden Face / Ida Friederike Gorres

Qty Available: 4


Pastor Out in the Cold / Yves Normandin

Pastor Out in the Cold / Yves Normandin

Qty Available: 0


Heart of James McAuley / Peter Coleman

Heart of James McAuley / Peter Coleman

Qty Available: 3


The Noble Martyr / Dudley Plunkett

The Noble Martyr / Dudley Plunkett

Qty Available: 1


Strangers and Nomads / Dudley Plunkett

Strangers and Nomads / Dudley Plunkett

Qty Available: 0


Newman's Oxford / Fr Jerome Bertram

Newman's Oxford / Fr Jerome Bertram

Qty Available: 1


Ivan's War / Catherine Merridale

Ivan's War / Catherine Merridale

Qty Available: 1


Deep Adventure / Bear Woznick

Deep Adventure / Bear Woznick

Qty Available: 0


They Might Be Saints / Michael O'Neill

They Might Be Saints / Michael O'Neill

Qty Available: 3


Elwood / Sister Lucia Treanor

Elwood / Sister Lucia Treanor

Qty Available: 5


A Glorious Ride / Tony McLellan

A Glorious Ride / Tony McLellan

Qty Available: 0


God is Still At Work/ Michel Remery

God is Still At Work/ Michel Remery

Qty Available: 8


Jerome Lejeune / Aude Dugast

Jerome Lejeune / Aude Dugast

Qty Available: 1


The Happiest Man on Earth / Eddie Jaku

The Happiest Man on Earth / Eddie Jaku

Qty Available: 0


Dominic Barberi / Gerard Skinner

Dominic Barberi / Gerard Skinner

Qty Available: 4


Saint Pius V / Roberto De Mattei

Saint Pius V / Roberto De Mattei

Qty Available: 12


Saint Oscar Romero / Kerry Walters

Saint Oscar Romero / Kerry Walters

Qty Available: 0


Stars at Night / Paula D'Arcy

Stars at Night / Paula D'Arcy

Qty Available: 0


Envoy for Christ / Patrick Madrid

Envoy for Christ / Patrick Madrid

Qty Available: 0


Meet Padre Pio / Patricia Treece

Meet Padre Pio / Patricia Treece

Qty Available: 1


The Smile of a Ragpicker / Paul Glynn

The Smile of a Ragpicker / Paul Glynn

Qty Available: 3


Not Forgotten / George Weigel

Not Forgotten / George Weigel

Qty Available: 4


Liberty's Lions / Dan LeRoy

Liberty's Lions / Dan LeRoy

Qty Available: 2


Under Siege / Austin Ruse

Under Siege / Austin Ruse

Qty Available: 8


Life of St Philip Neri  Apostle of Rome

Life of St Philip Neri Apostle of Rome

Qty Available: 0


Case of George Pell / Melissa Davey

Case of George Pell / Melissa Davey

Qty Available: 6


Finding Vigano / Robert Moynihan

Finding Vigano / Robert Moynihan

Qty Available: 0


St Thomas More / E E Reynolds

St Thomas More / E E Reynolds

Qty Available: 1


St John Fisher / Vincent McNabb

St John Fisher / Vincent McNabb

Qty Available: 0


Because of Our Fathers / Tyler Rowley

Because of Our Fathers / Tyler Rowley

Qty Available: 5


Context of Holiness  / Marc Foley OCD

Context of Holiness / Marc Foley OCD

Qty Available: 6


Freedom Through Christ / Elza Spaedy

Freedom Through Christ / Elza Spaedy

Qty Available: 0


Forget Not Love / Andre Frossard

Forget Not Love / Andre Frossard

Qty Available: 3


Before I Forget / Geoffrey Blainey

Before I Forget / Geoffrey Blainey

Qty Available: 2


Edith Stein Letters to Roman Ingarden

Edith Stein Letters to Roman Ingarden

Qty Available: 1


Newman and History / Edward Short

Newman and History / Edward Short

Qty Available: 0


Who is Padre Pio?

Who is Padre Pio?

Qty Available: 3


St Therese - Little Flower

St Therese - Little Flower

Qty Available: 5


St Teresa of Avila / F A Forbes

St Teresa of Avila / F A Forbes

Qty Available: 0


Spiritual Legacy of Sr. Mary*

Spiritual Legacy of Sr. Mary*

Qty Available: 0


Pastoral Letters / Abp Marcel Lefebvre

Pastoral Letters / Abp Marcel Lefebvre

Qty Available: 2


Padre Pio and America / Frank M Rega

Padre Pio and America / Frank M Rega

Qty Available: 0


Dominican Saints / Dominican Novices

Dominican Saints / Dominican Novices

Qty Available: 11


Disraeli / Robert Blake

Disraeli / Robert Blake

Qty Available: 1


Evatt: A Life / John Murphy

Evatt: A Life / John Murphy

Qty Available: 1


Elizabeth Prout 1820-1864 / Edna Hamer

Elizabeth Prout 1820-1864 / Edna Hamer

Qty Available: 1


Philip II/William Thomas Walsh

Philip II/William Thomas Walsh

Qty Available: 9


Chiara Corbella Petrillo/  Simone Troisi

Chiara Corbella Petrillo/ Simone Troisi

Qty Available: 4


Classic Catholic Converts

Classic Catholic Converts

Qty Available: 2


Pope Francis / Matthew E. Bunson

Pope Francis / Matthew E. Bunson

Qty Available: 11


Corespondence / Marcel Van

Corespondence / Marcel Van

Qty Available: 2


Ten African Cardinals / Sally Ninham

Ten African Cardinals / Sally Ninham

Qty Available: 1


A Midlife Journey / Gerald O'Collins SJ

A Midlife Journey / Gerald O'Collins SJ

Qty Available: 0


My Brother, the Pope / Georg Ratzinger

My Brother, the Pope / Georg Ratzinger

Qty Available: 0


Fr Werenfried: a Life / Joanna Bogle

Fr Werenfried: a Life / Joanna Bogle

Qty Available: 5


William the Conqueror / Hilaire Belloc

William the Conqueror / Hilaire Belloc

Qty Available: 53


Tolkien: Man and Myth / Joseph Pearce

Tolkien: Man and Myth / Joseph Pearce

Qty Available: 0


Stories of God / John Shea

Stories of God / John Shea

Qty Available: 6


Stories of Faith / John Shea

Stories of Faith / John Shea

Qty Available: 2


Son of God / Angela Tilby

Son of God / Angela Tilby

Qty Available: 1


Pope Saint Pius X / F.A. Forbes

Pope Saint Pius X / F.A. Forbes

Qty Available: 4


More Joy than Pain / Lars Rooth

More Joy than Pain / Lars Rooth

Qty Available: 8


Love Strong as Death / Ronald Walls

Love Strong as Death / Ronald Walls

Qty Available: 4


Charles I / Hilaire Belloc

Charles I / Hilaire Belloc

Qty Available: 1


A Song for Nagasaki / Paul Glynn

A Song for Nagasaki / Paul Glynn

Qty Available: 0


The Icon in my Pocket / Owe Wikström

The Icon in my Pocket / Owe Wikström

Qty Available: 12


Autobiography / Brother Marcel Van

Autobiography / Brother Marcel Van

Qty Available: 2


Life of the Good Thief / Msgr. Gaume

Life of the Good Thief / Msgr. Gaume

Qty Available: 2


My Early Years / Adrienne von Speyr

My Early Years / Adrienne von Speyr

Qty Available: 7


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