
A Glorious Ride / Tony McLellan

A Glorious Ride / Tony McLellan

Qty Available: 0


A Midlife Journey / Gerald O'Collins SJ

A Midlife Journey / Gerald O'Collins SJ

Qty Available: 0


A Song for Nagasaki / Paul Glynn

A Song for Nagasaki / Paul Glynn

Qty Available: 0


Autobiography / Brother Marcel Van

Autobiography / Brother Marcel Van

Qty Available: 2


Because of Our Fathers / Tyler Rowley

Because of Our Fathers / Tyler Rowley

Qty Available: 5


Before I Forget / Geoffrey Blainey

Before I Forget / Geoffrey Blainey

Qty Available: 2


Burning Man / Frances Wilson

Burning Man / Frances Wilson

Qty Available: 2


Case of George Pell / Melissa Davey

Case of George Pell / Melissa Davey

Qty Available: 6


Charles I / Hilaire Belloc

Charles I / Hilaire Belloc

Qty Available: 1


Chiara Corbella Petrillo/  Simone Troisi

Chiara Corbella Petrillo/ Simone Troisi

Qty Available: 4


Classic Catholic Converts

Classic Catholic Converts

Qty Available: 2


Context of Holiness  / Marc Foley OCD

Context of Holiness / Marc Foley OCD

Qty Available: 6


Corespondence / Marcel Van

Corespondence / Marcel Van

Qty Available: 2


Deep Adventure / Bear Woznick

Deep Adventure / Bear Woznick

Qty Available: 0


Dominic Barberi / Gerard Skinner

Dominic Barberi / Gerard Skinner

Qty Available: 4


Dominican Saints / Dominican Novices

Dominican Saints / Dominican Novices

Qty Available: 11


Edith Blake's War / Krista Vane-Tempest

Edith Blake's War / Krista Vane-Tempest

Qty Available: 0


Edith Stein Letters to Roman Ingarden

Edith Stein Letters to Roman Ingarden

Qty Available: 1


Elizabeth Prout 1820-1864 / Edna Hamer

Elizabeth Prout 1820-1864 / Edna Hamer

Qty Available: 1


Elwood / Sister Lucia Treanor

Elwood / Sister Lucia Treanor

Qty Available: 5


Envoy for Christ / Patrick Madrid

Envoy for Christ / Patrick Madrid

Qty Available: 0


Evatt: A Life / John Murphy

Evatt: A Life / John Murphy

Qty Available: 1


Finding Vigano / Robert Moynihan

Finding Vigano / Robert Moynihan

Qty Available: 0


Forget Not Love / Andre Frossard

Forget Not Love / Andre Frossard

Qty Available: 3


Fr Werenfried: a Life / Joanna Bogle

Fr Werenfried: a Life / Joanna Bogle

Qty Available: 5


Freedom Through Christ / Elza Spaedy

Freedom Through Christ / Elza Spaedy

Qty Available: 0


God is Still At Work/ Michel Remery

God is Still At Work/ Michel Remery

Qty Available: 8


Gratitude and Grit / Leo Wollenweber

Gratitude and Grit / Leo Wollenweber

Qty Available: 1


Heart of James McAuley / Peter Coleman

Heart of James McAuley / Peter Coleman

Qty Available: 3


How I Became a Man / Alexander Krylov

How I Became a Man / Alexander Krylov

Qty Available: 2


Ivan's War / Catherine Merridale

Ivan's War / Catherine Merridale

Qty Available: 1


Jerome Lejeune / Aude Dugast

Jerome Lejeune / Aude Dugast

Qty Available: 1


Kidnapped in Iraq / Alexandre Goodarzy

Kidnapped in Iraq / Alexandre Goodarzy

Qty Available: 1


Liberty's Lions / Dan LeRoy

Liberty's Lions / Dan LeRoy

Qty Available: 2


Life of St Philip Neri  Apostle of Rome

Life of St Philip Neri Apostle of Rome

Qty Available: 0


Life of the Good Thief / Msgr. Gaume

Life of the Good Thief / Msgr. Gaume

Qty Available: 2


Love Strong as Death / Ronald Walls

Love Strong as Death / Ronald Walls

Qty Available: 4


Meet Padre Pio / Patricia Treece

Meet Padre Pio / Patricia Treece

Qty Available: 1


More Joy than Pain / Lars Rooth

More Joy than Pain / Lars Rooth

Qty Available: 8


My Brother, the Pope / Georg Ratzinger

My Brother, the Pope / Georg Ratzinger

Qty Available: 0


My Early Years / Adrienne von Speyr

My Early Years / Adrienne von Speyr

Qty Available: 7


Newman and History / Edward Short

Newman and History / Edward Short

Qty Available: 0


Not Forgotten / George Weigel

Not Forgotten / George Weigel

Qty Available: 4


Padre Pio and America / Frank M Rega

Padre Pio and America / Frank M Rega

Qty Available: 0


Paschal Paradox / Dairmuid O'Murhu

Paschal Paradox / Dairmuid O'Murhu

Qty Available: 1


Pastor Out in the Cold / Yves Normandin

Pastor Out in the Cold / Yves Normandin

Qty Available: 0


Pastoral Letters / Abp Marcel Lefebvre

Pastoral Letters / Abp Marcel Lefebvre

Qty Available: 2


Philip II/William Thomas Walsh

Philip II/William Thomas Walsh

Qty Available: 9


Pope Francis / Matthew E. Bunson

Pope Francis / Matthew E. Bunson

Qty Available: 11


Pope Saint Pius X / F.A. Forbes

Pope Saint Pius X / F.A. Forbes

Qty Available: 4


Saint Oscar Romero / Kerry Walters

Saint Oscar Romero / Kerry Walters

Qty Available: 0


Saint Pius V / Roberto De Mattei

Saint Pius V / Roberto De Mattei

Qty Available: 11


Sigrid Undset / Aidan Nicols OP

Sigrid Undset / Aidan Nicols OP

Qty Available: 5


Son of God / Angela Tilby

Son of God / Angela Tilby

Qty Available: 1


Sound of Silence

Sound of Silence

Qty Available: 0


Spiritual Legacy of Sr. Mary*

Spiritual Legacy of Sr. Mary*

Qty Available: 0


St John Fisher / Vincent McNabb

St John Fisher / Vincent McNabb

Qty Available: 0


St Teresa of Avila / F A Forbes

St Teresa of Avila / F A Forbes

Qty Available: 0


St Therese - Little Flower

St Therese - Little Flower

Qty Available: 5


St Thomas More / E E Reynolds

St Thomas More / E E Reynolds

Qty Available: 1


Stars at Night / Paula D'Arcy

Stars at Night / Paula D'Arcy

Qty Available: 0


Stories of Faith / John Shea

Stories of Faith / John Shea

Qty Available: 2


Stories of God / John Shea

Stories of God / John Shea

Qty Available: 6


Strangers and Nomads / Dudley Plunkett

Strangers and Nomads / Dudley Plunkett

Qty Available: 0


Ten African Cardinals / Sally Ninham

Ten African Cardinals / Sally Ninham

Qty Available: 1


The Happiest Man on Earth / Eddie Jaku

The Happiest Man on Earth / Eddie Jaku

Qty Available: 0


The Hidden Face / Ida Friederike Gorres

The Hidden Face / Ida Friederike Gorres

Qty Available: 4


The Noble Martyr / Dudley Plunkett

The Noble Martyr / Dudley Plunkett

Qty Available: 1


The Smile of a Ragpicker / Paul Glynn

The Smile of a Ragpicker / Paul Glynn

Qty Available: 3


The Song of Ascents / Tom Hiney

The Song of Ascents / Tom Hiney

Qty Available: 0


They Might Be Saints / Michael O'Neill

They Might Be Saints / Michael O'Neill

Qty Available: 3


Tolkien: Man and Myth / Joseph Pearce

Tolkien: Man and Myth / Joseph Pearce

Qty Available: 0


Who is Padre Pio?

Who is Padre Pio?

Qty Available: 3


William the Conqueror / Hilaire Belloc

William the Conqueror / Hilaire Belloc

Qty Available: 53


Wounds of Love / Phillip Campbell

Wounds of Love / Phillip Campbell

Qty Available: 0


Displaying 1 to 485 (of 485 products)
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