
A Garden for Mary / Neena Gaynor

A Garden for Mary / Neena Gaynor

Qty Available: 0


Angel and Dragon / Meriol Trevor

Angel and Dragon / Meriol Trevor

Qty Available: 0


Beyond the Desert Gate / Mary Ray

Beyond the Desert Gate / Mary Ray

Qty Available: 0


Biggie An Elephant & Piggie

Biggie An Elephant & Piggie

Qty Available: 2


Bush Boys on the Move / James Tierney

Bush Boys on the Move / James Tierney

Qty Available: 1


Canadian Summer / Hilda van Stockum

Canadian Summer / Hilda van Stockum

Qty Available: 6


Cape Lost / Joyce West

Cape Lost / Joyce West

Qty Available: 5


Child's Book of Hymns

Child's Book of Hymns

Qty Available: 2


Colors of Creation / Paul Thigpen

Colors of Creation / Paul Thigpen

Qty Available: 0


Drovers Road  / Joyce West

Drovers Road / Joyce West

Qty Available: 3


Following the Phoenix / Meriol Trevor

Following the Phoenix / Meriol Trevor

Qty Available: 0


Francie on the Run / Hilda Van Stockum

Francie on the Run / Hilda Van Stockum

Qty Available: 3


Friendly Gables / Hilda van Stockum

Friendly Gables / Hilda van Stockum

Qty Available: 6


Friends Again/ Karine-Marie Amiot

Friends Again/ Karine-Marie Amiot

Qty Available: 4


God King / Joanne Williamson

God King / Joanne Williamson

Qty Available: 0


Joseph's Donkey / Anthony DeStefano

Joseph's Donkey / Anthony DeStefano

Qty Available: 2


Lark in the Morn / Elfrida Vipont

Lark in the Morn / Elfrida Vipont

Qty Available: 1


Learning to Pray

Learning to Pray

Qty Available: 5


Lily Lolek Future Saint / Katie Warner

Lily Lolek Future Saint / Katie Warner

Qty Available: 0


Little Duke / Charlotte Yonge

Little Duke / Charlotte Yonge

Qty Available: 2


My First Prayers / Rev Jude Winkler

My First Prayers / Rev Jude Winkler

Qty Available: 14


Pegeen/ Hilda van Sockum

Pegeen/ Hilda van Sockum

Qty Available: 0


Percy Wynn / Francis J Finn SJ

Percy Wynn / Francis J Finn SJ

Qty Available: 0


Red Falcons of Tremoine / Hendry Peart

Red Falcons of Tremoine / Hendry Peart

Qty Available: 0


Sam the Guardian Angel / Lis Luwia

Sam the Guardian Angel / Lis Luwia

Qty Available: 3


Sunday Morning Chaos / Kristen Schroder

Sunday Morning Chaos / Kristen Schroder

Qty Available: 4


That Girl of Pierre's / Robert Davis

That Girl of Pierre's / Robert Davis

Qty Available: 0


The Ball and the Cross / G K Chesterton

The Ball and the Cross / G K Chesterton

Qty Available: 0


The Golden Country / Joyce West

The Golden Country / Joyce West

Qty Available: 3


The Good Land / Loula Grace Erdman

The Good Land / Loula Grace Erdman

Qty Available: 0


The Grumpy Old Ox / Anthony DeStefano

The Grumpy Old Ox / Anthony DeStefano

Qty Available: 4


The Holy Mass / Kevin and Mary O'Neill

The Holy Mass / Kevin and Mary O'Neill

Qty Available: 0


The Ides of April / Mary Ray

The Ides of April / Mary Ray

Qty Available: 2


The Kitchen Madonna / Rumer Godden

The Kitchen Madonna / Rumer Godden

Qty Available: 0


The Monks Daily Bread / Sylvia Dorham

The Monks Daily Bread / Sylvia Dorham

Qty Available: 0


The Monks Make Amends / Sylvia Dorham

The Monks Make Amends / Sylvia Dorham

Qty Available: 0


The Monks Stormy Night / Sylvia Dorham

The Monks Stormy Night / Sylvia Dorham

Qty Available: 0


The Red Keep / Allan French

The Red Keep / Allan French

Qty Available: 2


The Tails Book  / Graham Carey

The Tails Book / Graham Carey

Qty Available: 0


The Tiny Seed / Katie Warner

The Tiny Seed / Katie Warner

Qty Available: 0


The White Horse / Elizabeth Coatsworth

The White Horse / Elizabeth Coatsworth

Qty Available: 3


The Wide Horizon / Loula Grace Erdman

The Wide Horizon / Loula Grace Erdman

Qty Available: 0


They Loved to Laugh / Kathryn Worth

They Loved to Laugh / Kathryn Worth

Qty Available: 0


Trespasses Against Us

Trespasses Against Us

Qty Available: 2


Vincent by Frank Fraser

Vincent by Frank Fraser

Qty Available: 1


Wonderfully June / Sarah Murdock

Wonderfully June / Sarah Murdock

Qty Available: 4


Year of the Black Pony / Walt Morey

Year of the Black Pony / Walt Morey

Qty Available: 2


You Are Loved

You Are Loved

Qty Available: 0


Displaying 1 to 159 (of 159 products)
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