All Things New Breaking the Cycle and Raising a Joyful Family / Erin McCole Cupp
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Every Parent's Battle: A Family Guide to Resisting Pornography / Dan S Spencer III
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Lectio Divina for Teens Reading God's Messages to You / Jerry Windley-Daoust
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Lovely: How I Learned to Embrace the Body God Gave Me / Amanda Martinez Beck
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Monuments Marvels and Miracles A Traveler's Guide to Catholic America / Marion Amberg
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Parenting Your Teens & Tweens with Grace (Ages 11 to 18) / Dr Greg and Lisa Popcak
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The Gift of Birth Discerning God's Presence During Childbirth / Susan Windley-Daoust
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The Tech Talk Strategies for Families in a Digital World / Michael Horne PsyD
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