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A Catholic Scientist Proves God Exists / Dr Gerard Verschuuren
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Bad Shepherds The Dark Years in Which the Faithful Thrived While Bishops Did the Devil's Work /Rod Bennett
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Christian Social Principles / Sr Mary Consilia O'Brien OP
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Columbus and the Crisis of the West / Robert Royal
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Crisis in Culture How Secularism is Becoming a Religion / Fr George William Rutler
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Deadly Indifference / Eric Sammons
Half Truths / Montague Brown
How Science Points to God / Dr Gerard Verschuuren
How the Catholic Church Can Restore Our Culture / Archbishop Georg Ganswein
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Islam at the Gates: How Christendom Defeated the Ottoman Turks / Diane Moczar
Rebuilding Catholic Culture / Ryan Topping
Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching: A Defense of the Church's True Teachings on Marriage, Family, and the State / Anthony Esolen
Rediscovering Our Lost Fullness / Andrew Comiskey
Springtime that Never Came / Bishop Athanasius Schneider
The Christian's Guide to Character and Success / Fr Edward F Garesche
The Politics of Envy / Anne Hendershott
Under Siege / Austin Ruse
Qty Available: 8
Vigano vs the Vatican The Uncensored Testimony of the Italian Journalist who Helped Break the Story / Marco Tosatti
War and Peace A Sheen Anthology / Archbishop Fulton J Sheen
What Catholics Need to Know About Islam / William Kilpatrick
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