Behold God's Son Reflections on the Gospel During the Year of Mark / Christoph Schoenborn
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Church Fathers From Clement of Rome to Augustine (Paperback) / Pope Benedict XVI
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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Heaven but Never Dreamed of Asking / Peter Kreeft
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Explorations in Theology: Volume 1 The Word Made Flesh / Hans Urs von Balthasar
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God is Love: Deus Caritas Est, Encyclical Letter / (Joseph Ratzinger) Pope Benedict XVI
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God or Goddess? Feminist Theology: What is It? Where does It Lead? / Manfred Hauke
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Introduction to Christianity / Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
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Jesus of Nazareth Archaeologists Retracing the Footsteps of Christ / Michael Hesemann
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Josef Pieper An Anthology / Josef Pieper; Foreword by Hans Urs von Balthasar
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St Laurence & the Holy Grail: the Story of the Holy Chalice of Valencia / Janice Bennett
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That Nothing May Be Lost Reflections on Catholic Doctrine and Devotion / Paul Scalia
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Transformation in Christ on the Christian Attitude / Dietrich Von Hildebrand
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What it Means to be a Christian: Three Sermons / Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
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Who Needs God? / Christoph Cardinal Schonborn in conversation with Barbara Stöckl
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