A Textual Concordance of the Holy Scriptures: Arranged by Topic / Fr. Thomas David Williams


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Arranged by Topic and Giving the Actual Passages

Alphabetical, topic-by-topic selection of passages from the Bible, originally compiled to help priests prepare sermons. Over 1,900 topics and 18,000 actual Bible verses! Unlike other concordances; this one quotes the actual passages in full. Unparalleled introduction to Bible reading. A quick way to learn just what the Bible says on a host of topics. Truly a one volume Bible study course and a great aid to unlocking the true Catholic meaning of Scripture. Great for reference.

A Textual Concordance of the Holy Scriptures by Thomas David Williams. This amazing book is simplicity itself to use: One just thinks of a topic and looks it up alphabetically in the body of the text or in the complete alphabetical index.
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