The Fourfold Sovereignty of God / Henry Edward Manning


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In The Fourfold Sovereignty of God, Cardinal Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892), former Archbishop of Westminster, outlines the prerogatives of Almighty God over man: over his intellect, over his will, over the civil order, and over the whole world and its progress.  He explains the benefits derived by each because of the acceptance of God's sovereignty, which is exercised in a practical way through Jesus Christ remotely and through the Catholic Church and His Vicar proximately.  Anything but a dull academic treatise, this book, rather, is a series of intimate talks given by the author, which delve into - at least in outline - the historical causes and consequences of the revolt of man and society from the just sovereignty of Christ and His Church.  Cardinal Manning sees in the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation and the French Revolution man's threefold historical revolt from Truth; and in return to Christianity, as exemplified and embodied in the teachings of the Catholic Church, the salvation of individuals personally and humanly speaking, of society and civilisation generally, and of the progress of mankind as a result.  Here is a book that will ore than reward the serious reader with a real understanding of where society and mankind have been (under Christ and his Church) and of where we are going if we do not return - both individually and as society - to the sovereignty and to the teaching of the one true Church of Jesus Christ.

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