All for Jesus: The Easy Ways of Divine Love / Frederick William Faber


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Every catechism student should remember learning that God made us to know, to love and to serve Him. Because we cannot serve Him without first loving Him, and we cannot love Him without first knowing Him, Fr. Faber develops several extremely powerful motives for our loving God, and then offers a number of very creative ways in which we can best serve God out of love, rather than just out of duty.

Fr. Faber says, "Nothing is easy, which we are not happy about while we are doing." He then shows how to make the service of God easy by doing all for love of God. "I want to beguile you into serving Jesus out of love," say Fr. Faber, "for everything comes easy to love." One of this famous convert-priest's greatest books written precisely to help us save our souls by doing ALL for God out of love for God - which is by far the easiest way of salvation! Comprehensive inspirational insights!

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