Francis of Assisi Early Documents: Volume 1: The Saint / Edited by Regis J. Armstrong, J. Wayne Hellmann, William J. Short


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Francis of Assisi: Early Documents presents a translation of the extant texts of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries that present the life and writings of Francis of Assisi.

The Saint includes The Writings by Francis, The Life of Francis by Thomas of Celano, The Liturgical Texts, The Life of Francis by Julian of Speyer, The Versified Life of Francis by Henri DAvranches, The Sacred Exchange between Saint Francis and Lady Poverty and Related Documents. Also included is a general introduction to the series by Regis Armstrong, helpful introductions to each section, colored maps, extensive annotation.

Regis Armstrong is a renowned Franciscan scholar. He has authored and edited numerous books including Francis and Clare The Complete Writings, The Life of Saint Francis and Clare of Assisi Early Documents.

1 item(s), $37.95