Mystics in the Making: Lay Women in Today's Church / Carolyn Humphreys


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Mystics in the Making: Lay Women in Today's Church emphasizes the necessity of daily prayer, ongoing spiritual development and loving service based on sound Catholic values. It will help Catholic women (and men) find moral strength and confidence in themselves through living the teachings of Christ and his Church in their daily activities and in striving to be their best. What is seemingly ordinary serves an extraordinary purpose when illuminated by God's light and love. The chapters strengthen the unity and harmony within the Catholic family as a unit, and stress its importance as a witness to Jesus' love, in a society dominated by secular values.
This book provides an accurate and easily understandable explanation of Catholic mysticism in today's world, with spiritual and practical applications. On every page, we are reminded of how very much we are loved by God. It will help the reader lead a more Christian, more focused and more accomplished life. Pope Benedict XVI reminds us that our friendship with Jesus Christ is learned in love for Sacred Scripture, in love for the Liturgy, in profound faith, in love for Mary, so as to be ever more truly acquainted with God himself and hence with true happiness, which is the goal of our life.
Read the review in AD2000 here.
1 item(s), $37.95