Saint Maximilian Kolbe: Knight of the Immaculata / Jeremiah J. Smith


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St. Maximilian Kolbe is famous as the saint of Auschwitz who volunteered to die of starvation and thirst in place of another prisoner. But his heroic death in 1941 in the worst of the Nazi concentration camps was only the culmination of an amazing life-for St. Maximilian was fired by the supernatural ideal of conquering for Christ through Mary all souls in the entire world-to the end of time!
Full of interesting stories, this little book describes his mischievous boyhood, his youthful prophetic vision of two crowns, his dream of martyrdom, his use of modern printing technology to further Our Lady's work, his agreement with St. Therese the Little Flower, his "Cities of the Immaculata" (the one in Poland grew from 19 members to 762 and was the largest religious community in the world), his knowledge that he was fighting Satan, and his prison abuse for being a Catholic priest. Saint Maximilian Kolbe-Knight of the Immaculata shows the amazing deeds which Our Lady will accomplish through a person who consecrates himself to her.
It is a book to inspire many more Catholics to consecrate themselves to Mary Immaculate-confident that through them too she will do great things!
1 item(s), $37.95