Sermon in a Sentence: A Treasury of Quotations on the Spiritual Life: Volume 1: St Therese of Lisieux / Edited by John McClernon


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Wouldn't you look forward to spending a few minutes with St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the best known and loved of all modern saints throughout the world? The life and message of this great saint and Doctor of the Church has blessed millions of Catholics around the globe. Her simple, direct, and sure way to holiness has helped many gain a better understanding of the spiritual life and a deeper union with Christ. This book has been designed to bring the inspiration of her words to you in a format that is as simple and direct as her own "little way".

This deluxe book contains a collection of hundreds of direct quotes and short sayings of Thérèse, carefully arranged by the major virtues of the Christian life. The quotes are arranged and classified by the virtues represented in the classic 15 decade Rosary. The Rosary mysteries provide us a mosaic of virtues for the spiritual life, a ladder for advancing in holiness and in the love of God.

1 item(s), $37.95