The Ignatian Workout: Daily Spiritual Exercises for a Healthy Faith / Tim Muldoon


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Get Fit Spiritually!
We look at the world—and at God—in drastically different ways than our ancestors did, and yet the wisdom of a sixteenth-century Catholic saint perfectly suits our doubtful, antiauthoritarian, pluralistic age. St. Ignatius of Loyola believed that we could know God better by paying attention to his work in our lives, our experiences, our imagination, and our feelings. His Spiritual Exercises, an enduring masterpiece of spiritual insight, teaches us to grow spiritually by learning to respond in concrete, practical ways to this divine presence.

 The Ignatian Workout presents St. Ignatius’s wisdom in today’s language—as a daily program of "workouts" to achieve spiritual fitness, tailored to people with busy schedules. It is a program that shows us how to recognize and respond to a God who is already at work in us, inviting us into a deeper relationship and into richer lives of love and service.
"A thoughtful, clever, and very practical introduction to Ignatian spirituality."
—J. A. Appleyard, S.J., vice president for University Mission and Ministry Boston College
"The Ignatian Workout is a valuable contribution to contemporary writing on Ignatian spirituality. Muldoon does a fine job of illustrating just how relevant this spirituality is for today’s young adults."
—J. Michael Sparough, S.J., director of Charis Ministries Ignatian Spirituality for Young Adults
"A thoughtful, clever, and very practical introduction to Ignatian spirituality."
--J. A. Appleyard, S.J., Vice President for University Mission and Ministry, Boston College

"The Ignatian Workout is a valuable contribution to contemporary writing on Ignatian spirituality. Muldoon does a fine job of illustrating just how relevant this spirituality is for today’s young adults."
--J. Michael Sparough, S.J., Director of Charis Ministries Ignatian Spirituality for Young Adults
Tim Muldoon is a theologian and a young adult formed through the practice of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola. For several years, he was the Chair of Religious Studies at Mount Aloysius College in Cresson, Pennsylvania. He currently serves as the Director of the Church in the 21st Century Center at Boston College. He is married with two young daughters.
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