Ten African Cardinals / Sally Ninham


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While the Catholic Church is languishing in much of the West, by contrast it flourishes across Africa. Despite this, most African Church leaders remain unknown in the West, even among better informed Catholics.

Sally Ninham's timely book remedies this via her in-depth interviews with a cross section of Africa's senior Catholic churchmen. Their stories provide first-hand insights into the religious, political, social and economic situations in their countries.

Some of these leaders have played key roles in the midst of political turmoil, civil wars, rampant corruption and extreme poverty.

Dr Ninham, who travelled around Africa for the interviews, believes some "have perhaps already earned the right to stand alongside such Western heroes as Martin Luther King, Franklin Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. They are men who have committed their lives to justice, to freedom and to humanity without pausing for breath."

What are they saying about Ten African Cardinals:

"Dr. Sally Ninham has put a lot of energy in transforming her insight into an exceptional book. By spotlighting the top leaders of the Church in Africa, with an open heart and a positive attitude, she offers the world a path into this misrepresented continent. Africa will be grateful to her for this initiative."

-- Paul Bere S.J., Professor of Scripture at the Jesuit Theology College, Ivory Coast

Read the review in AD2000 here.

Dr Sally Ninham  interests include seeking out individual recollections to contextualise historical events, and as a result she conducts much of her research through oral interview. This is her second book. Her first title A Cohort of Pioneers (2010) considered the impact of an American postgraduate experience on Australian intellectual, social, and research cultures.

12 item(s), $495.75