Martin Luther King, Jr.: Spirit-led Prophet / Richard Deats


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Martin Luther King, Jr., Spiritled Prophet tells the compelling story of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr: pastor, theologian, scholar, orator, civil rights leader, martyr. Spiritled Prophet chronicles Kings activities illustrating his nonviolent faith and how he lived it out in his ministry. In the midst of a tumultuous public life, King prayed for guidance and depended upon Gods spirit to lead him. Despite the cruelty and violence of the forces arrayed against the movement, King stressed the necessity to love ones enemies, to believe that unearned suffering is redemptive and to have faith in Gods just purposes. Refusing to limit his mission to civil rights, he wrote and spoke passionately against the war in Vietnam and on behalf of the worlds poor. He repeatedly returned to his call for the Beloved Community and the building of a just and peaceful social order. Kings influence continues to grow beyond his death with his vision of nonviolent liberation and the final reconciliation God is calling us to spreading around the world.
"Richard Deat's biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. brings King's spirit alive to a new generation. King's belief in the sanctity of life and his spirit of love and compassion inspires us all and challenges each new generation to begin again the quest for truth and justice."
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

"Here we find the real Martin King-peacemaker, practitioner of nonviolence, voice for justice, follower of the trouble making Jesus, a true 'Spirit-led Prophet.' Richard Deats' inspiring biography summons us to take up where King left off-to denounce war, racism, poverty and nuclear weapons; to announce the way of nonviolence, disarmament and justice for the poor and to become Spirit-led prophets for a new century."
Rev. John Dear, S.J., Executive Director
The Fellowship of Reconciliation

"This book introduces a whole new generation to the man behind the legend, and will reinspire an older generation with a call to courage and commitment. Deats' draws the reader right into his story, writing with both simplicity and profundity. Young folks and old, educated or not, can find in these pages a challenge to continue King's great work and extend it into new areas of concern."
Walter WinkAuthor

10 item(s), $408.85