A Roman Miscellany: The English in Rome 1550-2000 / Edited by Nicholas Schofield


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Cardinal Basil Hume and Dr Eamon Duffy are among the contributors to this collection of essays on the English in Rome over the centuries.

This relationship has existed on many different levels and A Roman Miscellany explores the lives of many varied characters in this fascinating story: from Cardinal William Allen, the ‘saviour’ of the English church and a plotter against the Elizabethan regime, to Cardinal Henry Stuart, brother of ‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’ and a claimant to the British Crown; from the battles fought by Pugin in the name of Gothic architecture in Rome to the battles fought by Julian Watts-Russell and his braven band of ‘Zouaves’ in the name of Papal Sovereignty; from the visits of Newman to the city at the most crucial moments of his long life to the eccentric foibles of his contemporary, Cardinal Edward Howard, a former member of the Household Cavalry.

At the centre of the English presence in Rome is the Venerable English College and this ‘miscellany’ also provides many glimpses of seminary life over the years, whether following students as they enjoyed their summer vacation in the countryside surrounding Rome or accompanying them in their wartime exile at Stonyhurst.

“I take great delight in commending A Roman Miscellany to a wide readership. I hope that all who pick up this book will be brought to a greater appreciation of the unique role played by the Eternal City in our history and in our Faith”. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor.

Nicholas Schofield was born in London in 1975 and read Modern History at Exeter College, Oxford. In 1997 he was sent to the Venerable English College, Rome and studied Theology at the Gregorian University. He is currently working in a parish in North London.

10 item(s), $408.85