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The idea for this book came from an awareness of the alarming void in media analysis of the Greens’ policies at a time when they have been gaining in political strength.This book brings together leading Australian experts who look at a wide range of their policies in detail – from Agriculture to Z00phytes – to reveal the practical consequences of these policies.The book suggests that the Greens have an uncontrollable urge to spend our money, a mania for legislative and regulatory control – of both institutions and individuals – a disturbing and unwarranted confidence in central planning and a belief that government knows best. Underlying this is a thoroughly naïve understanding of how the real world works.The irony is that the Greens’ policies would not only destroy our economy but actually make the environment worse.
Chapters:INTRODUCTION: The road to Hell … - Andrew McIntyre 1 CONSTITUTION: An ‘Alice in Wonderland’ view of democracy and rights - James Allan2 ECONOMICS 1: Good intentions versus self interest - Sinclair Davidson3 ECONOMICS 2: How to lower living standards and perpetuate poverty - Alan Oxley4 EDUCATION 1: More spending, less choice and further state control - Greg Melleuish5 EDUCATION 2: The fight against independent schools - Kevin Donnelly6 ENERGY: Clean energy and nuclear phobia: a parody of de-industrialisation - Alan Moran7 FAMILY: Family, sex And drugs: the unintended consequences - Wendy Francis8 HEALTH: A Nanny State will keep you healthy … if you are an animal - Aniello Iannuzzi9 HOUSING: How to make housing unaffordable and the environment worse - Bob Day10 INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS: A deaf ear to indigenous needs will guarantee more disaster - David Price11 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 1: The 1960’s Brown Cardigan Fantasy of industrial relations - Grace Collier12 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 2: A dangerous wish list from the major unions - Ken Phillips13 MEDIA: What you want may not be what you get- Graham Young14 NATURAL RESOURCES – AGRICULTURE: An outdated view gives less from more and increases costs - David F Smith15 NATURAL RESOURCES - FORESTS: Forests: the appropriation of economic activity by stealth - Jim Hoggett16 NATURAL RESOURCES - MARINE: Hypothetical solutions to imaginary problems in the marine environment - Walter Stark17 NATURAL RESOURCES - WATER: The Wooden Spoon of Water Policy?- Alistair Watson18 POPULATION AND MULTICULTURALISM: Immigration, integration and crime - Katharine Betts19 REFUGEES: A cruel, discriminatory and unjust policy - Professor Mirko Bagaric and Peter Faris QC20 SCIENCE: Over funding, ethical frameworks, and exercises in the politically correct - Garth W. Paltridge21 SECURITY: Ditching our sovereignty for the UN’s theatre of the absurd, and other stories - Ted Lapkin