Chalice of Liberty Protecting Religious Freedom in Australia / Frank Brennan, MA Casey & Greg Craven


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The place of religion in Australia has never been more contested than it is today.  In this new and timely essay, Frank Brennan and Michael Casey draw on the Catholic tradition to explain why freedom of religion remains of vital importance for the way of life enjoyed in a secular liberal democracy such as Australia. Greg Craven complements Brennan and Casey’s philosophical analysis with an essay discussing how freedom of religion is currently protected in Australia, and what reforms are necessary in order to ensure its protection in the decades ahead.
Fr Frank Brennan SJ AO is CEO of Catholic Social Services Australia and Adjunct Professor of Law at Australian Catholic University. 
Michael Casey is Director of the PM Glynn Institute, Australian Catholic University’s public policy think-tank.
Greg Craven AO GCSG is Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Australian Catholic University
1 item(s), $37.95