How Good is the Golden Rule? Learning the Language of Love / Warren Mills


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'Are we there yet?' How many times have we heard this plaintive query - usually from the back seat of the family car!  This time, however, in How Good is the Golden Rule? (more a joyful exclamation than a question!), the query comes toward the end of a long journey whose destination is none other than paradise.  The well-known 'do to others as you would have them do to you', endorsed by Jesus, is the map to Paradise in the author's view.  This Golden Rule is, as he put it, 'a universal divine command which provides the ethical foundation for all relationships and human aspiration.'  Warren Mills brings seven decades of a personal faith journey to the task of proving his claim in an engaging, indeed inspiring way.  The Golden Rule, while naturally based, becomes a gateway to God:: 'we learn about our relationship to God as an extension of our relationship with each other which is the basis of all human satisfaction and hope.'

This is a book full of homespun, personal reflection on faith in God, family, friends, church, country.  It is also a reflection on so much that is counterfeit about our culture.  In short, an excellent read.

Born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1946, Warren Mills began his working life as a mechanic, and later a management trainer and consultant to the automotive industry.  He is a founding member of the Bunch of Blokes, a support network for men.  He is married to Elaine and has three children and 5 grandchildren.

Review of How Good is the Golden Rule is found in Baptist Magazine NZ 

5 item(s), $424.10