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Considered by many the bright jewel among the many enriching books of Cardinal Henri de Lubac, this work is a hymn to the beauty of the Church, under some of whose leaders for a time he unjustly suffered. The Splendor of the Church is, in a sense, a personal testimony of the great theologian's humility and love of the Church of Christ. It is also a classic work in the theology of the Church. Indeed, de Lubac's profound insights significantly contributed to Vatican II's Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, especially in its treatment on the Church as mystery and as the Sacrament of Christ.
Chapters:I. The Church as MysteryII. The Dimensions of the MysteryIII. The Two Aspects of the ChurchIV. The Heart of the ChurchV. The Church in the WorldVI. The Sacrament of ChristVII. Ecclesia MaterVIII. Our Temptations concerning the ChurchIX. The Church and Our Lady