CD Call No Woman Father


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4 CD Set

Tim Staples -- Is the male-only Catholic priesthood an unchangeable doctrine or merely a matter of custom or religious discipline? Does the scriptural teaching of St. Paul dictate that women have a "right" to ordination, as some suggest? In the light of feminism, "inclusive language" and shifting gender roles, can the Church in good conscience continue to deny women entry into the ministerial priesthood? Is the Church being "archaic," by sticking to traditions or is she is simply faithful to the teachings of Christ and the Apostles? Passionate and Persuasive In the passionate and persuasive new tape series "Call No Woman Father" popular Catholic apologist, author and EWTN Radio personality Tim Staples gives the definitive Catholic response to the question of the ordination of women. Appealing to Scripture, Tradition and the authoritative teaching of our Holy Father, Tim unpacks the incontrovertible nature of the Church's official position. In a systematic but down-to-earth style, Tim reminds us that in matters of belief, we must begin with Faith and the Church has definitively declared that women cannot be ordained to the ministerial priesthood. Although it seems simple, if we understand that the Church is God's voice on this earth in matters of faith and morals, then when God speaks through His Church, the matter is settled. Tim shows how Catholics have the assurance of Sacred Scripture that the Church will never (and can never) lead us astray in her formal teachings. Yet Tim demonstrates that as Catholics we must ever seek to more deeply understand our Faith. Truth Doesn't Change As you listen to this presentation, you'll discover conclusive evidence that the constant teaching and practice of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit is proof of the divine origin of the doctrine of a male-only priesthood. Tim reminds us that all of the teachings of the Faith were given to the Church in the first century through Holy Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Tim insists that the Church does not invent new teachings; she merely defines what she has been given. With great conviction, Tim relates how all of the sacraments are "outward signs instituted by Christ that give grace" and that the substance of these sacraments cannot change. In fact he shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that no matter how much noise the feminists make, the Church simply does not have the authority to change them! Equality of Dignity A convert to Catholicism, Tim offers the unique perspective of his former ministry in the Assemblies of God, a church that regularly ordains women. He relates how he came to understand the ministerial priesthood in the light of the Mystery of Christ. In this eye-opening four-tape series, Tim effectively explodes the groundless and illogical nature of the charge that the Church is "sexist" or that women are "not full members of the Church" or that they are "second-class Catholics." Tim shows precisely how that was put to rest both in Scripture and the constant teaching of the Church! You'll discover the Church's philosophy of the essential and undeniable equality of dignity between man and woman, but why equality does not suppose "same-ness." Perhaps most importantly Tim shows how to explain, in an era when so many are "demanding their rights," that no one (male or female) has a "right" to the priesthood! Order "Call No Woman Father" today and become empowered to share the truth about this controversial topic with charity and conviction! In This Series, You'll Learn: Why Jesus was not one to "cave in" to custom What does it mean to act "In Persona Christi" Why the attitude of Jesus and the Apostles toward the ordination of women cannot be merely temporary What is the true meaning of Galatians 3:28 Why we must understand the ministerial priesthood in the light of the Mystery of Christ What is the infallible teaching of Pope John Paul II's 1994 encyclical "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis" How Scripture teaches in the words of Jesus that the priesthood is a calling

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