Prayers for Our Catholic Family / Our Sunday Visitor


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As kids, we may have thought the words to the Lord's prayer were "Our Father who art in heaven, HAROLD be thy name."

Or that it was "Hail Mary full of grapes."

Soon enough by following the lead of our families, we learned the true meaning, and the beauty, of each of these memorized prayers. And they stay with us even today.

Learning to pray at an early age has enormous value - joining our prayers with family and community, developing life-long prayer habits, and being drawn into true prayer union with God the Father.

In one handy little book you have all you need to learn many Catholic prayers including:

  • Our foundational prayers like the Sign of the Cross, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Apostles Creed, the Glory Be…
  • Daily prayers like the Morning Prayer, the Guardian Angel Prayer, the Memorare, the Jesus Prayer…
  • Prayers from the Sacraments like the Gloria, the Act of Contrition, the Eternal Rest prayer…
  • Prayers with the Saints including Saint Francis and Saint Joseph
  • And lots more

In the morning, at the dinner table, at bedtime, or any time, you can turn to Prayers for Our Catholic Family to enrich your family's life with prayer.

27 item(s), $851.20