Manhood: an Action Plan for Changing Men's Lives / Steve Biddulph


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Since its initial publication in 1994, Manhood has had a profound emotional impact on thousands of men and women. It has sold over 150 000 copies in Australia and New Zealand, making it the most popular book on men's lives in both countries. Steve Biddulph uses stories, humour and a refreshingly honest style of writing that resonates with both men and women. In Manhood, he tackles two critical social issues: creating a healthy masculinity, and how men can free themselves from crippling and outdated roles. This new edition has been specially revised and updated to meet the needs of younger readers, who are struggling with these issues today. Manhood touches the heart of almost everyone who reads it and provides a clear and practical roadmap of what to do. Women find it a revelation and profoundly moving; men gain recognition and a sense of hope that life can be different. Confronting and real, Manhood isn't just something you read, it's something you do.

Read the review in News Weekly here.

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