Celebrating for all God's Family / Margaret Withers & Tony Pinchin


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Celebration! shows how people of all ages and at all stages of spiritual growth can meet and be touched by God, can learn and grow, through the form of worship left to the Church by the Lord Jesus Christ himself - the service of Holy Communion.

 The Eucharist is now established as the main Sunday service in nearly every parish. This trend, ever increasing over the past generation, presents the Church with new challenges in the development of all age Eucharistic worship.

Celebration! gives practical resources for parishes to explore Eucharistic family worship, with a programme of service ideas and teaching that will help all ages (and those at very different stages of spiritual growth) to share in the liturgy at the level appropriate to them. It provides material to stretch everyone and allow space to all, exploring ideas for music, drama, visual aids, movement and dance, linking these to the regular development of spirituality and worship through the liturgical year.


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