Way Beyond Satire / Rowan Dean


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Following the turbulent, crazy, roller-coaster years of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard, by late 2013 Australians were looking forward to a steady new era of boring, conservative, grown-up government under Tony Abbott and his Coalition.

Little did they know, the real fun had just begun.

In this hilarious selection from his weekly Australian Financial Review satirical columns, Rowan Dean chronicles Australia’s recent political mayhem, sorry, we mean history, in his unique tongue-in-cheek, ruthlessly subversive style. From the mysterious Granola virus to an outbreak of Todgers in the Lodge; from performing the Same Sex Kama Sutra and resisting the pull of Gravitational Waffle; from Sharia Law in Tassie to enjoying All the Gonski you can eat, Dean’s biting humour is an irresistible comic pleasure to savour.

Forget waiting for the weekend, now you can enjoy all of Dean’s satire right up to the present day in one superb collection.

Under Dean’s piercing gaze, Australian politics has never been so incorrect.


And has never been so much fun.

1 item(s), $37.95