Conjugal America: On the Public Purposes of Marriage / Allan Carlson


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The institution of marriage has become perilously weak in America. Changes in the law over the past three decades, such as the spread of no-fault divorce and broad acquiescence to cultures of divorce and intentional childlessness, have stripped traditional marriage of important legal supports. Half of all marriages end in divorce and just as many are childless.Conjugal America seeks to recapture the real purposes of marriage and the unchanging nature of this most vital and fundamental human institution. Confronting contemporary issues and drawing heavily on the natural and social sciences, each chapter also reaches into the past to find truths grounded in human experience. Carlson reexamines the basic bond of marriage to procreation, showing that this tie has been no less than the foundation of the unwritten sexual constitution of Western civilization. He also shows how the Gnostic heresy, which despises procreation, posed a stark danger to the early Christian movement and to "the sexual constitution" of our own time as well. He then dissects claims regarding the "evolution of marriage," showing that true marriage always represents the vital connection of the sexual with the economic. Carlson explores the political nature of marriage showing, why every ambitious totalitarian government seeks above all to destroy marriage, and why the true marital bond actually stands for liberty. He concludes by arguing for the necessity of marriage policy. Because both the nature of the centralizing state and the pressures of modernity have altered family circumstances, new protections and encouragements to marriage are now imperative. Conjugal America will be central to the new debate on marriage and its purposes. This book sees the current moment as an opportunity to revitalize a necessary institution that has recently been abused and neglected and reinstate it as the primary source of commitment and care in the modern world.

"An absolute "must-read" not for what it says, but rather how it speaks--in a style of reasoned, serious-minded public debate with the greater good in mind, listening openly to opponents and addressing their counterpoints logically without resorting to any kind of personal attacks, morality judgments, or blanket pandering.... Highly recommended." 
--Midwest Book Review 

"One of Carlson's key achievements is to demonstrate that public policy must rise above the short-sightedness of the social science industry, which has historically reduced marriage and family issues to welfare programs serving low-income populations."
-- Robert W. Patterson, Touchstone Magazine 

Allan Carlson is president of the Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society in Rockford, Illinois and has been distinguished visiting professor of history and politics at Hillsdale College. He is the author of numerous books, including Fractured Generations: Crafting a Family Policy for Twenty-First-Century AmericaThe Swedish Experiment in Family Politics, and The Family in America. He is also the series editor of Transaction’s Marriage and Family Studies series.


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