The Essential Belloc: A Prophet for Our Times / Edited by Scott Bloch, Rev C. John McCloskey, Brian Robertson


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Hilaire Belloc was a poet, polemicist, and prose stylist without peer, but above all, an entire generation's mighty champion for the Catholic faith. He was a prolific historian who authored many important works such as How the Reformation Happened, Europe and the Faith, and The Crusades. 

The Essential Belloc, a timely new compilation of his insights on religion, politics, Western history and culture, is perfect for Catholics struggling against secularism. Included are his lighter musings on the particular charms of towns and peoples throughout the world, the love of good food and drink, and the songs of camaraderie that go with them. 

This is the perfect book for those who know and love Belloc and for those not yet familiar with the brilliance and humor found in his prose. 

"His range of brilliance as a writer have been matched by very few moderns. The Essential Belloc is an invaluable resource and hugely enjoyable reading. " - Charles J Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Denver 

"Belloc believed that party and state are not all powerful, that the Church and Family have a primary place... We need him now more than ever." - Senator Rick Santorum, author of It Takes A Family 

"History, politics, sailing, religion, taverns, economics - his pen, like his sardonic wit and melancholy wisdom, never fails." - David Whalen, Associate Provost, Hillsdale College 

"An affectionate and appreciative study of Hilaire Belloc, that splendid writer, modern prophet, and morally courageous defender of the Faith." - Patrick J Buchanan

1 item(s), $37.95