In His Sandals / Mother Angelica


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Sometimes it is difficult to understand God’s will for our lives, especially when times are tough or when something happens that disturbs us. Mother Angelica counsels us in these pages to stop simply existing and start living. “You are called to be holy!”

Beloved by many, the practical wisdom of Mother Mary Angelica radiates from this book as she guides you through Scripture and the writings of St. John, St. James, and St. Paul. Replete with stirring real-life examples, Mother Angelica both comforts and challenges readers on the path toward holiness. “You’re either a whole Christian everywhere, or I don’t think you’re Christian at all.”

In her no-nonsense yet fun-loving style, Mother Angelica offers advice on:

  • Exercising faith, hope, and love
  • Developing an attitude of gratitude and joyful living 
  • Being “all in” and avoiding hypocrisy
  • Showing mercy and asking for forgiveness
  • Helping others find God through our example
  • Accepting trials as a blessing
  • Growing in humility, truth, and freedom
  • Cultivating the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives
  • Witnessing to the Kingdom in old age

Valuable for meditation, this book encourages you to surrender yourself to God’s Providence in all things, however insignificant they may seem. Enter the merciful presence of the Heavenly Father and know your dignity as His child. Entrust yourself to Jesus, Who loves you infinitely, and experience His immeasurable mercy. Be still and “sit ready” with the Lord. Let the Divine Physician heal your wounds with His saving balm. Give Him all the pieces of your life and let Him gather you and multiply your blessings.

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