Dream Bigger A 21 Day Journey to Unlock God's Dream for Your Life / Dan DeMatte


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This is a book for world-changers — for people ready to lay down everything in order to discover the adventure that God has in store for their lives.

Dream Bigger unlocks your capacity to dream God-sized dreams and gives the Church encouragement to start dreaming in big, bold ways again! This day-by-day journey helps Christians not only to discover God's dream for their lives but to start taking real steps toward accomplishing those dreams. 

Author and EWTN host Dan DeMatte presents twenty-one days of meditations that sincere Catholics need to perform if they desire to live their lives for Jesus. DeMatte lays out a three-week, step-by-step plan to help you navigate your way to a life — or life-altering — decision. Daily activations and reflective questions will not only inspire you but actually propel you to lasting change.

DeMatte also shows you how to prepare yourself — with hard work and prayerful planning — to begin pursuing the dreams you've felt called to pursue but have continually put off. You will overcome your fear of failure and grow in intimacy with Jesus. 

DeMatte's upbeat, exciting approach to applying the Gospels to your life includes:

Meditations on what God thinks of your current life pursuits, priorities, and passions

Revelations on the fullness of what Jesus means when He calls us all to deny ourselves

Evaluations of the obstacles in your life that hold you back from experiencing greatness

Prompts for growing in a faith that can truly move mountains

Methods for experiencing intimacy with the Father through hearing His voice and experiencing His love

Techniques for living with boldness and courage, while remaining meek and humble of heart

Strategies for surrendering your dreams and desires to the Father who planted them inside you

Means for overcoming fear of failure, spiritual plateaus, and inconsistent Christianity

Keys to crystallizing the vision and plan for executing your God-given dream

Tips for mobilizing those around you to partner with you in laboring in God's vineyard

An analysis of why dreaming with God is fundamentally different from merely fantasizing with no recourse to action 

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