Saint Jean de Brebeuf Hymnal Pew Edition


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“Hands down, the best Catholic hymnal ever published.”—The Church Music Association of America

Recognized as the definitive Roman Catholic hymnal, the Saint Jean de Brébeuf Hymnal stands out as an elegant, hardcover pew edition that contains more Catholic metrical hymns than any other collection.

Drawn exclusively from the authentic Catholic treasury, the Brébeuf Hymnal stands alone among church hymn books by neither mimicking nor building upon popular Protestant versions. So unlike other Catholic hymnals which simply strive to avoid heresy and eliminate undignified melodies, the Brébeuf Hymnal is Catholic to the core, containing countless traditional hymnssteeped in deep theology.

Created by and for choirmasters and priests working in Catholic parishes around the globe, the melodies in the Brébeuf Hymnal are beautiful and dignified, its hymns timeless and eminently choral for the congregation.

The dazzling array of melodies – some of which are unusually rare – have been carefully sorted according to meter. Its 932 pages present exceptional translations of the authentic Catholic hymns, painstakingly wedded to simple-yet-sublime melodies.

Our resources section (LINK) includes rehearsal videos to help volunteer choirs learn to sing in parts: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass. Too many Catholic choirs refrain from singing hymns in parts! Our clips make it easy to learn. Priests who don't read music can sample our YouTube files and see for themselves how the Brébeuf melodies are well within reach of their congregations—especially because these YouTube videos were not produced by professional singers.

The Saint Jean de Brébeuf Hymnal is giving Catholics the music for the Mass as it was intended to be experienced. By doing so, it is enriching Catholics and bringing them deeper into the Faith.

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