Days of Tempest: The Liam Magill Story / Lea Anna Cooper


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Paternity Fraud - The crime only a woman can commit. The true saga of who, what, when, where and why the fight for Paternity Fraud Victims and Men's Rights began. One man, Liam Neale Magill, waged his eight-year war against all odds, within the Courtrooms of Australia. Together, in the company of his attorney, Vivien Mavropoulos and Cheryl King, Liam's Enduring Power of Attorney, they wrought a new classification for their Law of Deceit.

This landmark case, a major component of Australian Legal History, is currently being taught at Law Universities in Australia. The totality of the subject matter shook the annals of decree, leaving an indelible mark on society. With new avenues open, this precedent is giving hope to other Paternity Fraud Victims, who are following and continue Liam's fight to change those laws.This landmark case, a major component of Australian Legal History, is currently being taught at Law Universities in Australia. The totality of the subject matter shook the annals of decree, leaving an indelible mark on society. With new avenues open, this precedent is giving hope to other Paternity Fraud Victims, who are following and continue Liam's fight to change those laws.

1 item(s), $19.99