The Catholic Hymn Book: Melody Edition / Compiled & Edited at the London Oratory


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With foreword by Cardinal Basil Hume. This hymn book compiled in 1998 contains traditional Catholic Hymn, including hymns that are hard to find in more 'modern' collections, such as an extensive section of Hymns to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and a large selection of traditional Christmas Carols and Hymns. The Harmony edition includes music for organ/choir. From the preface: "The treasury of English hymnody is especially rich and varied, but has been rather neglected in recent years. It is for this reason that we have produced a new hymn book, which contains may traditional Catholic hymns, a number of which have their origins in other Christian communities, and several written more recently which we believe will stand the test of time. We hope that this new selection will encourage people to sing hymns which contain such theological and devotional riches. In the English Oratories, Cardinal Newman and Father Caswall of the Birmingham Oratory and Father Faber of the London Oratory have given to us a great number of hyumns, which are widely represented among those chosen for this book. We have also include a section of Latin hymns (often with a translation suitable for singing to the original melody), and three complete settings in Gregorian chant of the Mass in Latin. It is our hope that the provisions of these settings in modern notations with accompaniments for organ will mean that many parishes make use of them in their liturgy." 

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