Mary in the Redemption / Adrienne von Speyr


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Adrienne Von Speyr was a convert to Catholicism, a medical doctor, wife, mystic and author of some 70 books on spirituality. In this profound work on Our Lady, Von Speyr explores Mary’s participation with Christ in our redemption, and the unique relationship that each of us should have with our spiritual mother.

“A beautiful book, beautifully received by the author in prayer. The reader is plunged into the mystery of Mary’s co-redemption in an individual manner as our Mother wishes for us. Avoiding the extremes of sentimental devotion or a radical feminist usurpation of Mary, von Speyr’s account brings us right into the center of truth. It offers us a bridge between the warm intuitions of our hearts and theological formulations that might sometimes seem cold. Infused mystical theology at the height. Alleluia.”
—Ronda Chervin, Author, Kiss from the Cross

“Mary’s unique role in the saga of salvation has been pondered by theologians and mystics, popes and saints. Von Speyr has thought deeply and profoundly on Mary’s role and gives us precious insights and exhibits profound wisdom.”
—Stephen K. Ray, Author, Crossing the Tiber

Adrienne von Speyr was a contemporary Swiss convert, mystic, wife, medical doctor and author of some 70 books on spirituality and theology. She entered the Church under the direction of one the greatest theologians and spiritual writers of the 20th century, Fr. Hans Urs von Balthasar, who became her spiritual director and confessor for the last 30 years of her life. Her writings, recognized as a major contribution to the great mystical writings of the Church, are being translated and published by Ignatius Press. Among her most important works are Book of All Saints, Confession, The World of Prayer, Handmaid of the Lord, and The Passion from Within.

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