Spiritual Childhood: The Spirituality of St. Therese of Lisiseux / Vernon Johnson


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St. Thérèse of Lisieux, now a Doctor of the Church, summarized her spirituality in these simple but profound words, "My Little Way is all love." Her complete and unshakable trust in the love of God our Father was the foundation of her spiritual life, a childlike relationship with our Creator that raised her to the heights of sanctity in only 24 years of life. St. Thérèse's spirituality, her Little Way of Spiritual Childhood, is one that can be imitated and practiced by all souls, no matter what their state in life. Her spirituality has been recognized by the Church as a special gift from God for ordinary people everywhere to reach heroic sanctity.
Msgr. Vernon Johnson, a famous convert and apostle of St. Thérèse, presents in this book the most clear, practical and yet profound explanation of this "little way", a way to perfection that changed his life and the lives of countless others. Johnson summarizes the spiritual approach of St. Thérèse in these three words: Love, Humility, Confidence.
"No one did more than Vernon Johnson to bring Thérèse to the attention of the English speaking world." — Bishop Patrick Ahern
Msgr. Vernon Johnson, a convert from Anglicanism who credits the life and powerful intercession of St. Thérèse for his conversion, became an apostle and teacher of her Little Way. Through his apostolate to priests called the Association of the Priests of St. Thérèse, a newsletter he edited, and numerous retreats he gave based on Thérèsian spirituality, he influenced countless souls with her teaching. His conversion story is told at the end of this book.
1 item(s), $37.95