Sense of the Sacred Illuminated Book of Catholic Prayers / Dominic De Souza


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Sense of the Sacred: Illuminated Book of Catholic Prayers contains thirty traditional Catholic prayers every child should have at hand, each accompanied by a beautiful, hand-drawn illustration to aid in meditation on the mysteries of the faith.

Some of the prayers include:

  • A renewal of baptismal vows
  • Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • The Sanctus
  • The Divine Praises
  • The Beatitudes
  • A children's prayer to Mary
  • St. Patrick's Breastplate
  • and many more.

This book also serves as a handy coloring guide for the accompanying coloring book, which contains each of these illustrations. Sense of the Sacred: Illustrated Book of Catholic Prayers makes the perfect birthday or First Communion gift for children ages 7-12.

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