The Shroud of Turin: A Case for Authenticity / Rev. Fr. Vittorio Guerrera


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A fast-paced book that is easy to read; The Shroud of Turin is guaranteed to interest everyone and give convincing proof--despite the recent propaganda to the contrary--that the Shroud of Turin is the actual burial cloth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Filled with facts of science and history; you are guaranteed to learn a lot! Well researched and well written. This book is small and doesn't take too long to read -- makes a great gift!
Father Vittorio Guerrera is a priest of the Archdiocese of Hartford and was ordained in 1991. He has also received degrees in psychology, sociology, Master of Divinity, and Licentiate in Sacred Theology. Upon learning of the Shroud of Turin as a teenager, he began a vigorous study of it following the 1988 Carbon-14 test, and was present at the Shroud's exposition during the Jubilee Year 2000. Father Guerrera has contributed to The Catholic Transcript and was included into Marquis' Who's Who in the East, in addition to authoring works himself such as Let the Children Come to Me: Homilies for Children.
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