The Path of Life Benedictine Spirituality for Monks and Lay People / Cyprian Smith


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The late twentieth century is a time of great change and fragmentation in peoples lives. Many Christians today are searching for a sense The late twenthieth century was a time of great change and fragmentation in people's lives. Many Christians today are searching for a sense of stability and direction, and are turning to the great spiritual masters of the past for their inspiration. St. Benedict is one such master, and his 'Rule for beginners' offers a path well-trodden by generations of monks and nuns. But, like any novice joining a monastery, those turning to the Rule need guidance and help.

Fr. Cyprian Smith's book is written with this in mind. As novice-master at Ampleforth Abbey he has been responsible for introducing men to the Benedictine way. Each week the novices are given a conference on some aspect of the monastic life and these talks have been adapted by Fr. Cyprian for a wider audience: those who wish to accept the challenge of living to the full their Christian vocation.stability and direction, and are turning to the great spiritual masters of the past for their inspiration.
27 item(s), $851.20