“It is not merely penance that the Church asks of us during Lent. It is extra prayer.”
Some preachers are more notable than others. Fr. Gerald Vann, O.P., was ordained in 1929 at the remarkable age of twenty-three in a Dominican Order known for its careful discrimination about its candidates. Despite fame both in his native England and in the United States, his brilliant and accessible writing has largely disappeared from view.
Of great significance is this compendium of Lenten inspirations. In seven chapters marked by originality and striking clarity, Fr. Vann gets under the rind and into the heart of every aspect of Christ’s Passion. You’ll learn:
Fr. Vann emphasizes that in neither our spiritual lives nor our lives in the world can we ignore a crucial aphorism that will play a role in determining our destiny: “the importance of small things.” He draws out a plan for noticing, appreciating, and prospering from these simple treasures.