Ten Battles Every Catholic Should Know / Michael D Greaney


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Ten Battles Every Catholic Should Know offers readers richly detailed accounts of pivotal engagements—many little known in the West—in the centu­ries-long defense of Christendom against militant Islam. Join military historian Michael D. Greaney as, in gripping prose, he describes the struggle, primarily on Christendom’s eastern borders, against the dreaded Ottoman Turks in places such as:

  • Manzikert, which marked the beginning of the fight,
  • Wallachia, where Vlad II, the real “Dracula”, carried out a per­sonal crusade against the Turks to such good effect that his name strikes terror down to the present day,
  • Mohács, “the Tomb of Hungary,”
  • Vienna (the siege of 1529), the first setback experienced by Süleymân the Magnificent, per­haps the greatest ruler the Otto­man Turks ever knew,
  • Szigetvár (known as the “Hun­garian Alamo”),
  • …and five others.

The accounts of battles are enliv­ened and expanded with historical footnotes and introductions. Though less well known than the struggle to retake Spain and Southern France, the battlefields of Armenia and East­ern and Central Europe were just as crucial to preserve Christendom. Includes 12 battle maps

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