From Sea to Shining Sea: the Story of America / Christopher Zehnder


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Traces the history of the United States, with emphasis on the contributions of the Catholic Church and its followers, from the discovery of the continent by Saint Brendan and later, the Vikings, to the beginning of the twentieth century.

This is the second volume of five books aimed at grades 5-9 to teach world history and geography. Produced with the absolute highest quality in design, color, illustrations, paper and bindings, this textbook project for Catholic schools employs the writing and editing talents of a group of highly qualified teachers, authors, editors and artists.

This volume, aimed at middle-school graders, tells the story of North America—the Indian nations, European colonization, the founding and history of the United States up to the Twentieth Century. Told as a series of stories, with thumbnail biographies, lives of the saints, maps, illustrations, and other supplemental material. The lavish use of color photos, drawings and maps combined with the excellent writing make this volume and series the best available today. Illustrated.

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