The Way of the Cross / Inos Biffi; Illustrated by Franco Vignazia


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This book has been written and illustrated as a children's guide to the celebration of Holy Week, which begins with Palm Sunday and concludes with Easter Sunday. During these days of the liturgical year, the Church recalls with special fervor the events of the Lord's life - in particular, his suffering, his death, his burial, and his resurrection. This commemoration enkindles a more intense, ardent prayer, and the rites of the liturgy become more solemn and striking. This book will help children, through its strong illustrations, which portray the scriptural accounts that the Church reads during Holy Week with strong and lively clarity, understand what the Church celebrates and relives. Also, it provides the stations of the Cross, illustrated for participation before Easter.


Inos Biffi is Professor of Mediaeval and Systematic Theology at the Theological University of Northern Italy, Milan.

Franco Vignazia lives in Italy and is an illustrator, painter, and sculptor. He also teaches art in secondary school.

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