The Lay Members of Christ's Faithful People (Christifideles laici) /Pope John Paul II


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Following the 1987 Synod of Bishops on the topic of the lay faithful in the Church, Pope John Paul II issued this letter detailing the theological and aspects of the role of the laity in the Church as well as their formation and mission. This document is divided into the following sections: Introduction I. I Am the Vine and You are the Branches - The Dignity of the Lay Faithful in the Church as Mystery II. All Branches of a Single Vine - The Participation of the Lay Faithful in the Life of the Church as Communion III. I Have Appointed You to Go Forth and Bear Fruit - The Co-responsibility of the Lay Faithful in the Church as Mission IV. Laborers in the Lord's Vinyard - Good Stewards of God's Varied Grace V. That You Bear Much Fruit - The Formation of the Lay Faithful Notes
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