The Beatitudes Living the Life of Christ Teachers Guide


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Young people often view Catholicism as little more than compliance with arbitrary rules. By using the lessons included in this teacher's guide, you will help your students come to see that Jesus Christ is the only way to personal freedom, happiness, and holiness. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus revealed the deepest meaning of God's law: the love of God and neighbor is to proceed from a heart that is poor in spirit, sorrowful for sin, meek and hungry for justice, merciful, chaste, peaceful, and willing to suffer for the Kingdom of God. These seem like impossible demands of Christian discipleship, but the activities and lessons in this guide will help your students be formed in grace after Christ's own heart, pointing their souls toward the path of salvation. The veteran schoolteachers who wrote the twelve lessons included here know firsthand your needs in the classroom. That's why these lessons can stand alone, are "substitute-proof," and are designed in a flexible, modular format.

1 item(s), $59.95