Peace Be With You / Fr Narciso Irala SJ


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At a time in which stress, depression, anxiety, and suicide are all on the rise, Peace Be with You will guide you and your loved ones on how to overcome negative thoughts, be freed — externally and internally — from sinful habits, access supernatural grace, and grow in happiness and holiness. You will learn concrete strategies for coping with emotions such as anger, sadness, doubt, worry, inferiority, and fear. 

The renowned missionary and psychologist Fr. Narciso Irala explains the secret to finding the “emotional fullness to immunize us against many psychosomatic illnesses” and, significantly, emphasizes the critical role of faith in psychology. A rich tool for counselors, teachers, and directors, this treasure of a book is ideal for anyone seeking the path to true happiness, tools to living a virtuous life, and ways to achieve better health.

Reprinted over 65 times, Peace Be with You is replete with practical tips, inspirational reflections, case studies, real-life anecdotes, useful diagrams, examples from the lives of the saints, and encouraging maxims to live by.

Best of all, it opens the door to God’s healing by helping you appreciate beauty and grow in receptivity to God’s will, even amid suffering. 

You will also learn how to:

  • Achieve better-quality sleep and overcome insomnia 
  • Rest and avoid exhaustion
  • Manage depression with natural and supernatural remedies 
  • Practice relaxation to avoid overwork, stress-induced illness, and mental exhaustion
  • Become more efficient and decisive through practical exercises 
  • Live in the present moment and develop greater mental concentration
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