The Fabrication of Aboriginal History Volume 3 / Keith Windschuttle


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This is the third volume in a series re-appraising the now widely accepted story about relations between settlers and Abrorigines in Australian history. The series is based on a close re-examination of the primary sources used by historians. So far, Keith Windschuttle had demonstrated that much of their case is poorly founded, other parts are seriously mistaken, and some of it is outright fabrication.

In volume three, the the author disproves the now widely accepted story that in the twentieth century up to one in three Aboriginal children were 'forcibly removed' from the parents in order to put an end to Aboriginality. In reality, the small number of Aboriginal child removals wre almost all based on the same child welfare policies that applied to white children. They were neither racist nor genocidal. there were on 'Stolen gernerations'.

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