Alive in Christ Grade 7 Parish/Student Book


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Alive in Christ Student Books use developmentally appropriate text, images, exercises, and activities that address multiple learning styles and engage students’ senses and imagination. Students encounter Sacred Scripture that is prayed with, reflected upon, studied, and applied to their daily lives, forming Catholic identity.
Built on a spiral curriculum that integrates seven central doctrinal themes of Church teaching, Alive in Chirst teaches children to know, love, and live their Catholic faith through Scripture, doctrine, and prayer.

  • A truely engaging, comprehensive journey in faith that encompasses the six tasks of catechesis
  • The grade level lens allows children to focus on the foundational topic in our Catholic faith each year
  • Developmentally appropriate text, images, exercises, and activities all interact in ways that address multiple learning styles and engage the child's senses and imagination
  • Children discover, explore, and experience traditional and modern artworks specifically chosen for each grade level with a connection to Scripture, tradition, and chapter objectives.
12 item(s), $476.45