Life of Christ / Fr Giuseppe Riccotti


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Widely regarded, upon its release in Europe in 1941, as a masterpiece and the best biography of Our Lord ever published, Fr. Giuseppe Ricciotti’s Life of Christ is a monumental work in which the author surveys the chronology, history, customs, and geography pertinent to the life of Christ. In dignified and elegant language, Fr. Ricciotti retells the Gospel story in light of modern archaeological, critical, and historical findings. 

“It has been my wish to write an exclusively historical and documentary work,” Fr. Ricciotti declared when the book was first published. He succeeded, bringing the entire Gospel to life, vividly and faithfully, in rich detail. Christ’s life is retold with intimacy and reverence, like a story — our story — of salvation. 

Fr. Ricciotti details what Our Lord’s life was like from His infancy and childhood through His public ministry, teachings, miracles, Passion, death, and Resurrection. He unpacks the theological significance of each scriptural event — including the three Paschs of Jesus’ life — in light of the Old Testament and the traditions of the time and provides abundant insights to enrich your meditation throughout. Furthermore, he adds dimension and color to key individuals in the life of Jesus, from Our Lady and St. Joseph to St. John the Baptist and the Apostles. 

Additionally, you will learn about significant Jewish customs and religious practices, which will illuminate your understanding of how Jesus lived and worshipped. Fr. Riccioti evaluates documents from Flavius Joseph and Roman writers to Christian sources that are not contained in the New Testament. Whether considering the miraculous or the scientific aspects of each mystery, you will see the relevance of these events and how they relate to the concerns of our day, to help you grow in holiness and in imitation of our Lord.

Other features of this Catholic classic include:

  • An introduction with a brief reflection on “the paradox of Christ”
  • 82 photos, illustrations, and maps 
  • An evaluation of New Testament interpretation and sources
  • A critique of modern “rationalist” biblical criticism
  • Indexes of scriptural references, names, and subjects
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